Tecsound is a non-flammable, high performing soundproofing mat and can be used to upgrade the soundproofing of timber joisted floors by adding layers to increase the mass and is supplied in rolls.
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Product Hotline - 01993 704 981
Local call rate - 0208 0909586
Size: 6m x 1.2m Rolls
Tecsound is a non-flammable, high performing soundproofing mat and can be used to upgrade the soundproofing of timber joisted floors by adding layers to increase the mass and is supplied in rolls.
Recyclable and made using 68% recycled mineral fillers Tecsound T50 and the self-adhesive T50S are the new non-flammable soundproofing mats designed to easily upgrade the soundproofing of timber joisted floors in domestic properties. It works very well when installed onto the top of timber floor boards and the more layers that are applied the better the soundproofing becomes. The product can be loose laid or for a more permanent fixing, use the self-adhesive T50S. Tecsound soundproofing mats are a polymer-based, asphalt-free, high density synthetic sound barrier product that offers good soundproofing performance. The product is very visco-elastic as temperature tolerant unlike our SBM5 and SoundBlocker Membrane, does not contain PVC’s.